In Dog We Trust:
Independence, Thrills, and Dignity With My Seeing Eye Dogs
In this companion to her first book, Out of the Whirlpool: A Memoir of Remorse and Reconciliation,
author Sue W. Martin takes her readers on an intimate journey.
Written in conjunction with her husband, Jim Martin,
In Dog We Trust is a beautiful tribute to The Seeing Eye.
In loving memory of Kismet, the author’s fourth Seeing Eye dog.
May 7, 2003 – December 28, 2015
Talk with the author about the process of getting a book published.
Meet her husband who co-authored her new book. Martin will have at her booth:
* The original bound manuscript of her memoir
* A few first editions of her memoir
* Her new book, published specifically for SOMA, In Dog We Trust
NAC is an accrediting body born out of the Commission on Standards and Accreditation of Services for the Blind in 1966 (Commission).
To paraphrase from the 1966 Commission – "In pursuance of continuous progress, the need has been felt for some time for specific standards by which the effectiveness of activities in this field could be gauged and upgraded."
NAC’s mission embraces this original purpose and goal.
Accreditation is a rigorous, transparent, and comprehensive evaluative process in which an organization undergoes an independent external peer assessment of its systems, processes, and performance by an impartial external organization (accrediting body) to ensure that its activities are conducted in a manner that meets predetermined criteria and are consistent with evidence-informed standards.
Accreditation serves in setting quality standards and uniformity..."
It is the most commonly used external mechanism for standards-based quality improvement
... Come visit with us and learn more.
Bill Robinson,
National Accreditation Council for Blind and Low Vision Services (NAC)
PO Box 15368,
Chattanooga, TN 37415