Concurrent Session D
1:00-2:00 Concurrent Session D (part 1)
- GDMI PANEL: O&M Training for Guide Dog Instructors: How and how much? - Facilitated by Lukas Franck (panelists TBA)
ROOM: TBA (Presented only once!)
- O&M Support for Learners and the Critical Role of the Supporter - Hannah Jones
and Brad Welling
ROOM: TBA (Presented only once!)
Having support is crucial to the growth of independent travels skills.
Participants will learn about a model being used to upskill supporters of high school aged students.
Experienced based approaches, observations, and other lessons learned will be shared so that we can apply approaches with other students/clients and their supporters.
- AMD Transitions: Modifications, Options, and . . .
- Lynn Gautreaux
ROOM: TBA (Repeated at 2:15)
Participants will learn how to decide when and if the use of an AMD (Alternative Mobility Device) is appropriate.
Techniques for making a variety of easy in-office AMD configurations, cane modifications and attachments will be demonstrated.
Discussions and demonstrations will also include products that are currently available through commercial purchase and products that are new to the market.
Since the VI/Blind population is a very diverse group, it is important to have equipment and modification resources available to find a good functional and instructional fit for each student or client.
The session will explore the various types of cane modifications and AMDs and the specific conditions or situations under which they can be used most effectively.
Other topics that will be discussed include the appropriate use of AMDs on stairs, AMD skills that easily transfer to cane use, and how to choose specific AMDs for clients and/or situations.
- Empowering the Blind Worldwide-One Cane at a Time - James Boehm, Wendy Boehm, Ellie Carlson, and Dean Stonecipher
ROOM: TBA (Repeated at 2:15)
White Canes empower the blind.
Many places around the world are experiencing a White Cane Famine.
Come and hear how You Cane Give is refurbishing used canes to equip and empower, plus provide training and mental health support.
If you can, bring any canes - new, old, or broken - for restoration and distribution to those in need. Thanks!
2:15-3:15 Concurrent Session D - Part 2
- Diabetes Is an O&M Problem - Tommy Strasz and
Hannah Jones
ROOM: TBA (Presented only once!)
Sail the Islets of Langerhans, take a shot in the dark, and just to sweeten the pot, engage with a real time simulation in this informative session about the intersection of O&M instruction and diabetes management.
- AMD Transitions: Modifications, Options, and . . .
- Lynn Gautreaux
ROOM: TBA (same as presented at 1:00)
- Empowering the Blind Worldwide - One Cane at a Time - James Boehm, Wendy Boehm, Ellie Carlson, and Dean Stonecipher
ROOM: TBA (same as presented at 1:00)
If you can, bring any canes - new, old, or broken - for restoration and distribution to those in need. Thanks!